Welcome to our two new Freshman Scholars, our new Resident Director and our new Assistant Resident D

There are lots of new faces in the Wellesley ABC house this fall! Ameera Ahad and Shaffaf Tariq are 9th graders joining us from Bridgeport, Connecticut and Brooklyn, New York respectively. They are both enthusiastic honor students who are excited to be part of the Wellesley High School community.
We welcome Ana Carmona-Benitez Neri as the Wellesley ABC Resident Director. Ana will be

joined by her husband Esvin Benitez Zapon. Ana has committed her life to helping others. She brings years of experience as a social worker and mental health counselor, working with families in Brooklyn, NY and most recently Southbridge, MA. In addition, Ana is one of nine children so is no stranger to living in a house with lots of activity.

In addition, we welcome Yashira Perez as our new Assistant Resident Director and Resident Tutor. Yashi graduated from Tufts University and has been working in educational roles at the Boston Public Schools.
Please join us in welcoming Ameera, Shaffaf, Ana, Esvin and Yashi to the Wellesley ABC family!